Sunday, 24 March 2013

Why Suicide Seems Only Option

OK , This is an anon email post to me, which i was asked to share ........................................... Editors Note : " Please, NO Insults , Disregards for the person, ETC, ... if nothing helpful , PLEASE SAY NOTHING ..........................                                                                                                            Brightside Bincheck , I'm not saying where i am or who i am , my life has changed from one bad thing to another recently , from a good marraige , house , living , to virtually nothing but more taxes , higher food prices and gas/electric/petrol............i worked all my life , earned , paid taxes etc , now in need =nothing , I'm Not eating , because i need electricity , gas , I bought a house when i was told to by my government , im depressed but cant get healthcare , i owe only $700 this month , which i dont have , but will be the same next month, I am only in my 30's , and life is ruined , I can not move abroad to work , but i could when i was an inexperienced 18 year old , Now , Im single , struggling so much to even care and have giving up all hope , All im asking any reader to do , is face your politicians , governments , its prob to late for me , but if you have kids , which i don't , its their future also ............. This taxing and ignoring Health and Welfare NEEDS TO STOP................... I wish i could work like i used to , and some American people will blame the EURO for this , but NO the Banks Lent to much and borrowed to much , And we the people are paying , I never borrowed but im losing all ,AND You  are paying ...............Forget wikileaks ,forget ANON, Forget All the Little Protests that happen WorldWide ....... this needs to be a collective Protest ..... this NEEDS To be a World Protest , ........ But sadly I Give Up , Its Prob Too Late for Me , DONT MAKE IT LATE FOR ALL , DO SOMETHING COLLECTIVELY . BEST WISHES .                                                                                                                                                                EDITORS NOTE : WEBSITES/NUMBERS :                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    


  1. Please don't give up! There are people who care about you and who need you in their lives! There must be a minister or priest you can reach out to, or a trusted friend. The links above will provide contact to people who can help you! Local YMCA's may have counseling available. Community out reach programs exist in most communities, like food banks, meal kitchens, shelters. Most communities have angel health clinics that offer health care for uninsured. These can direct you to counseling or other resources that would help! Please reach out to someone in your area for support and help.

  2. I have the same problems you do (maybe more) but with different root causes. Living? More like existing. Despite all the resources, sometimes people just don't want to help, and I understand what you are feeling totally.
