Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Alien Artifacts Found!

Ever wondered what is meant by the term 'Anomaly' ? Mainstream historians or scientist, use the term Anomaly for an out-of-place artifact. Out-of-place artifacts or OOPARTS is mostly confined to fringe sciences or pseudoscience of cryptozoology etc. OOPARTS can describe alot of objects or anomalies as some would call them, studied by mainstream science that can't be explained by mainstream science and most have been found at legitimate sites.

Critics argue purported OOPARTS are most often the result of mistaken interpretation, wishful thinking, or extreme cultural centrism (the belief that a particular culture couldn't have created an artifact or technology because they were too ignorant or simply not smart enough). Supporters regard OOPARTS as evidence that mainstream science is overlooking huge areas of knowledge, either willfully or through ignorance. OOPARTS are frequently outright hoaxes. However, some OOPARTS are the result of site contamination either from looting or previous investigation.

OOPArts are often of interest to creationists and others who seek evidence that may refute the theory of evolution or support the notion of a global flood; they are also used to support religious descriptions of pre-history, ancient astronaut theories, or the notion of vanished civilizations that possessed knowledge or technology more advanced than our own. Many writers or researchers who question or challenge conventional views of human history have used purported OOPARTS in attempts to bolster their arguments.
In short, legitimate anomalies may be referred to as ooparts, though the term is in disrepute. A more accurate term would be to refer to them as Anomalous Artifacts.

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