Wednesday, 15 February 2012

One Year On

For me this is one of the hardest blogs I've had to write, but I have to do it.

22 February 2011, 12.51pm magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Christchurch killing 185 people. This earthquake was a powerful natural event that severely damaged New Zealand's second-largest city, killing 185 people in what has been described as one of the nation's worst peacetime disasters.

Significant liquefaction affected the eastern suburbs, producing around 400,000 tonnes of silt. The earthquake was reported to be felt across the South Island and the lower and central North Island.

Over half of the deaths occurred in the six-storey Canterbury Television (CTV) Building, which collapsed and caught fire in the quake. The government declared a state of national emergency, which stayed in force until 30 April 2011
We didn't all loose loved ones on this day, but we all lost apart of our hopes and dreams, and spirit. The rest of the world might be sick of hearing about the quakes we suffer here in Christchurch, but for us living with them day after day, we will never forget.

We will never forget the noise, the rocking, the look on our kids faces, and the total and utter fear we all felt.

For those 185 people from all nationalities we will never forget and may you R.I.P

For those of us with no options but to remain, be strong

Christchurch lost her heart and soul on this devastating day, and even though the town will be rebuilt, the people wont. I'm thankful every day that neither my mother or myself felt up to going into town that day as we had planned to. I'm thankful everyday that my kids and family are all OK.

They say 6 degrees of separation throughout the world, well here in New Zealand it's only 2 degrees, we all knew someone who knew someone, who lost a loved one or who was hurt.

We will never forget Kia Kaha Christchurch

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