Monday, 14 November 2011


Everyone around the world has heard of the 'Occupy Movement'. I don't think I'm alone with wondering what it's all about. This whole movement started with 'Occupy Wallstreet' protesting the 1%. Don't get me wrong I am one of the 99%, I'm just not entirely sure if the occupy movement is going to work.

On our radio show Brighside Bincheck, we put the word out that we wanted to give anyone in the 'Occupy Movement' a chance too put forward their views. I understand how main stream media is only focussing on anything negative that is happening in these groups.We  have also heard how 'so called' alternative media reporters have infultrated some movements, and then sold them out too the highest bidder on main stream. Unfortunately, although we got alot of positive feedback, and"yes we will be there", no one turned up on the day. Ah well, guess they had no views to express.

These Occupy Movements have started to spring up all over the world. But my question is are they all protesting the same thing or has the original message been totally lost? The whole world has gone through the recession and each individual person is trying their best to keep going and survive. Each country is going through lack of work and the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. I hate to say this and hate to think of the reaction some of the readers might have  but, (and this is just my opinion) don't we need the 1%, the powers that be or the filthy rich to help get the economic crisis under control? It's the big corporations that will help get the unemployment rate down again. and even though the movement is protesting the big corporations, these people are still using all the latest toys these companies are producing. Maybe if they put them away they might get taken more seriously by those that have nothing. The class system is still very much alive and kicking in the world today. I personally think if these people are there with iphones and laptops and all the latest gadgets they must be upper middle class so what are they really protesting?

I have always worked hard for anything I have wanted or needed, I go without so the ones I love don't have too. I have never expected anything to be handed to me on a silver platter, and I've never blamed anyone because things haven't worked out. The most important thing for me is that even though money helps in this world it doesn't make you rich, and let's face it money just buys you a higher class of misery. When did the world become so materialistic?

Will the Occupy Movement work and get their message across? I do really hope they do. I support the people even though I can't get to any protests. It is a shame these people can't trust the media to get their message across because I think it might help. Everyone needs to believe in something and we all have the right to stand up for those beliefs and fight for the little guy. Don't judge these people or their beliefs without finding out all the information, both main stream and alternative first.

To anyone from the Occupy Movement who might read this, STAY TRUE TO WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN AND LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD. .

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