Saturday, 17 December 2011


On our radio show Brightside Bincheck at for the last couple of days we have discussed this so called new act the National Defense Authorization Act, it isn't new, however they have made a few little changes to this, which has alot of Americans up in arms.

Section 1031 allows for the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens,

Section 1032 requires that the detention be by the armed forces in the case of non-citizens.

Section 1032 stating the intent is not to change existing common law, such as Hamdi v. Rumsfeld and Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, which ruled that lawful United States citizens have the right to challenge their detention before an impartial judge and military commissions (such as those at Guantanamo Bay) lack the power to proceed, respectively.

Citizens of the United States are statutorily excluded only from the "requirement for military custody" in Section 1032, which provides the executive branch discretion whether to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens within military detention centers, or alternatively in the Federal prison system.

Has this all been brought about because of this so called 'War on terror', no boys and girls it hasn't. This National Defense Authorization Act has been in use for the past 48 years, they have just made a few little adjustments to words. I don't know alot about American laws or the technical stuff that goes with it, as I am a New Zealander, but this doesn't sound good in my opinion.

There were some comments that this was just the beginning of marshal law, and it was a way for the powers that be to be able to start bringing down the countries and enslaving us, the people.

Firstly - America isn't the only country who has this Act.

In 1994, indefinite detention was introduced to Australia when new legislation removed the 273 day limit imposed on Vietnamese, Chinese, and Cambodian refugees; previous laws had also allowed for the indefinite detention of specified people. In 2004, Australia's high court ruled in the case Al-Kateb v Godwin that the indefinite detention of a stateless person is lawful.
All states and territories (except New South Wales) allow for indefinite detention of violent or sexual offenders who are considered unacceptably likely to reoffend.

The Internal Security Act an act enforced since 1960 is a preventive detention law enforced in Malaysia which allows indefinite detention without trial for 2 years and further extension as needed.

In Singapore, the Internal Security Act allows the government to arrest and indefintely detain individuals who pose a threat to national security

I'm sure there would be more if I looked harder.

In my opinion this Act totally sucks, and is taking away the individuals rights.

Secondly - Hasn't this always been the way of human kind?

Since man kind started walking on this planet, they have always been fighting over who is the biggest and badest. Haven't we always imprisoned thos that are weaker or different?

England imprisoned convicts indefinitly by sending them to Australia, enslaved released prisoners in the New World (America) indefinitly. Americans round up the Native Indians and put them on reservations. And the list goes on, every country that was taken over by the white man, bullied, imprisoned and enslaved the indigenous people.

This behaviour is disgusting. I guess that saying ' History repeats itself" is true.

No matter what colour our skin is, no matter what religion we are, we all bleed the same.

Are our governments trying to take over the world and enslave us? I can't answer that question but I hope not.

Can we do anything about it? I honestly don't know.

My opinion is that it's time to stop thinking of ourselves and start thinking of everyone no matter what race or relgion we are. We need to make a stand and say " We aren't gonna take it" Protect our weak and back the ones with the strength to speak out. Every individual on this planet is part of the Human Race. History shows bullies have tried to squash us and enslave us, but we have always fought back either as a race or a religion. When the time comes for us to fight back this time, lets fight back under the heading and for the HUMMAN RACE.


  1. "Protect our weak and back the ones with the strength to speak out." What a catchphrase!

  2. yes i thought it was also !

  3. Thankyou Rodrigo, and thanks for commenting :)
