Saturday, 3 December 2011


One of our shows this week discussed depression. After the show I had to think if depression is on the rise in todays society. The number of people who seem to suffer from it has to my way of thinking increased over the years. Depression affects 121 million people world wide, and severe depression can lead to suicide and has been responsible for 850,000 deaths every year. These numbers are horrifying, with all the treatments available for people suffering depression these numbers shouldn't be so high.

Is feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable or down in the dumps really depression? this is something everyone feels in their life for some short perios of time. I know when we feel this way, we think we are depressed, but lets face it unless we had an absolutly perfect life with lots of money and love in it, we all suffer from sadness and being down in the dumps. But please if you feel this way and can't shake yourself out of it GET HELP. True clinical depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger or frustration interfere with everyday life for weeks or longer. Once again if you feel like this GET HELP.

No one can say what the exact cause of depression is. There are many researchers who believe it is caused by chemical changes in the brain. this could be due to genes, or cetain events that could trigger it, or more than likely a combination of both. Depression can run in families, and can also occure if there is no family history. Anyone can suffer from depression, even kids.

Reading up on this subject has made me feel a little down in the dumps to be honest. Please if you suffer from depression like so many of do, remember you aren't alone, there is so many of us going through this and at a low point in your life you can feel like you are all alone. BUT YOU AREN'T. If you suffer from depression, you really do need to seek help, weather is is the down in the dumps depression or clinical depression. Go to a doctor, talk to your friends, ring a help line. Depression isn't something to take lightly, and is something we all tend to suffer from at some time in our lives, so please, please GET HELP. Never judge someone with this illness, because one day it very well could be you in the same situation.


  1. UK

    Aware Defeat Depression

    Phone number: 08451 202961
    Details: Support, information or a listening ear for all those affected by depressive illnesses


    Call 1-800-SUICIDE / 1-800-784-2433

    all 1-800-273-TALK / 1-800-273-8255

    Check the FRONT pages of the phone book for:
    suicide prevention
    crisis intervention
    hotlines - crisis or suicide
    community crisis center
    county mental health center
    hospital mental health clini

    Or, call 911 and ask for help. Tell them you are in suicidal danger
    [00:34:19] kimmy: New Zealand

    depression helpline 0800 111 757


    Centro de Valorização da Vida - CVV
    Phone number: 08451 202961

    But I have to say by my own experience: exercise goes very well against depression.
