Sunday, 8 January 2012

Has technology stunted our education system?

"Why do I need to spell, when I have spell check on the computer?"

"Why do I need to write properly when I can type on a computer?"

"Why do I need to know basic maths when my laptop and phone have a calculater?"

Those are all things I have heard over the last few years, so I am asking has technology become a hindrance to our kids education system? How many book lists come with laptop, or tablets required? How many book lists actually have real books on them?

I get that technology is a huge part of life, and every year we are coming up with better and more economical stuff. But I do have some concerns as to technology and education. I mean seriously you can even have books that are read to you, so why would our children even bother? Is technology making our children, and ourselves lazy?

Humans have and will always evolve, and as we do so does our technology. Technology from the first rock arrowheads to globe-spanning communications networks, humans have attempted to use technology to improve the length and the quality of our lives. Technology has been responsible for an enormous number of benefits for humans, but it has also been responsible for a number of harmful effects as well.

Technology has been responsible for us having a longer lifespan, especially in the wealthier, more industrialized nations. New agricultural methods and equipment has helped the world to produce more food with less work at a cheaper price. Technology is responsible for better medicines and more effective treatments, people are surviving diseases that would of easily killed them in earlier generations.

The invention of the printing press in the 15th century and continuing up through to the internet in the 1990's, has allowed people access to an amount of information that would have once been impossible. It has helped us to become better educated and more informed, and this is why some scientists are dubbing the 20th century "The information age"

All this information is great, technology is great don't get me wrong, but the effects it is having on our children isn't. We all Know that children aren't learning the same way as us, and I guess with this age of technology they have to keep up, I mean we all know computers are the way of the future. But I think our kids are becoming lazy, all this technology does everything for them. How long will it take for them to forget how to use their brains. The brain is the biggest computer of all, and if we don't turn it on it will become obsolete, and rusted.
When we have don't have anything to occupy our minds and selves we become bored, and then we go looking for things and unfortunatly some of children are turning to crime for the thrill, and the fact that it gives them something to do. I understand that like humans technology will evolve, but at what cost? Why can't our children still be taught the old fashioned way, as well as the new technological way? Why can't we go back to the basics? At the end of the day we have all this teechnology and yet we still need people to work the computers and to do the basics, so why does it not matter that they can't read, write and spell. What is the point as humans evolving when we are making our children stupid?

Why can't we start teaching our children that phones and laptops are not a requirement, but an advantage? Why can't teach them that even though the technology is out there they still have to put their brain into gear? Our kids are meant to go through school sit all their exams and get all their high school certificates plus more, yet we are happy to let them learn on computers and calculaters, but not all exams let them in.

What does it take for us to get our kids and ourselves to take our brains out of neutral and put them into drive? Lets encourage our children, lets help our children, otherwise they will be swallowed up and get no where in life. Lets teach our children that technology is a tool to be used as an extension of the brain, not a replacement of the brain.

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