Friday, 27 April 2012

Shen Yun

With all the earthquakes that have been going on here in Christchurch, people's attitudes toward life has changed. We have what is known as the earthquake diet, basically a whole lot of junk food and fast foods. Or there is the liquid diet which I'm pretty sure most of you already know what that is. I had never stopped to think about my attitude towards life, I just kept pottering on doing what I had to do, day after day, until just recently.

 On the 20th April I was giving the amazing opportunity to go and see a performance in Auckland. I'm 39 and have never been to Auckland or to a performance like this, however certain people went out of there way to make sure I attended. I couldn't understand why, I have to admit, it's not like I'm an integral part of their business. The show I went to see is called Shen Yun.

Shen Yun is a performing arts and entertainment company based in New York. It's more than just ballet, it's a story-based dance, performed in classical Chinese dance, ethnic and folk. The first thing that struck me (being a woman) was the colours and costumes as the curtain opened on the first act. Then you see the graceful movements, when they are performing in a group no one misses a beat. The performers are amazingly talented and so gifted. Both male and female performers should be extremely proud of the gift they have been given. Yes I call it a gift, simply because they performed these dances, like they were born to.

 Shen Yun is associated with Falun Dafa spiritual practise, and performs all over the world. Shen Yun states that its underlying mission is to "revive the essence of 5000 years of Chinese culture" which it asserts to have been nearly demolished by the Chinese Communist government. In my opinion it achieved its mission. The fact that this company isn't permitted to perform in its own country of China is a total and utter shame, for I am certain it would be received there favourably by the people of China.

 There were a few performances that depict 'the story of Falun Gong today' including representations of human rights abuses in China, wherein Falun Gong practitioners are attacked by police. These scenes angered me, because even though we read about this kind of abuse, we don't really realise how bad it can be. No one should be persecuted for their beliefs, it doesn't say much for our world. 2012 and people are still scared of persecution, people still have to hide because of what they believe in. As a society we need these shows and their courageous performers to spread the message.

 Shen Yun has received both favourable and negative reviews for the artistry of its performances, and the inclusion of political and religious content - such as the acts which depict the suppression of Falun Gong in China, and has drawn mixed reactions from critics. The performances have also allegedly faced interference from the Chinese government due to its affiliation to Falun Gong.

 This show and its performers, dancers, singers who bring you out in goose bumps, and musicians is one of total inspiration and I was left awestruck. It has made me stop and think about my life, and the direction I am taking when even the deathly and frightening earthquakes couldn't.

 It has taken me awhile to write about Shen Yun, and that is only because I was stuck how to try and describe such an event. I still haven't been able to do that, and never could, but I do hope the fact that it has inspired me so much that this article might make someone think again about going to see this amazing performance.

 I am a 39 yr old woman who has thought that her life was pretty much over except for raising my kids. I am a great person even though 99% of the time I don't actually believe that, I have my whole life ahead of me (I'm starting to believe that a little bit). This performance inspired me to start living again, to stop being scared, and I don't want to live with "WHAT IFS". I don't know if that was the way they meant to inspire people, but that's the way it has inspired me.

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