Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Current Events In Creationist Astronomy - Dr. Donald DeYoung

 Ten questions will be covered including, Is there life in space? Did an asteroid kill the dinosaurs? What would change on earth if there was no moon? Will the world end in 2012? The answers to such questions strongly support the creation worldview. Dr. Donald B. DeYoung is an avid creation scientist and educator specializing in astronomy and physics. He chairs the Department of Science and Mathematics at Grace College in Winona Lake, Indiana. Don has taught at Grace College since 1972. Sabbatical travels have taken him to San Diego, Europe and the South Pacific.

Dr. DeYoung is the current president of the Creation Research Society with over 1,700 members worldwide. The CRS funds research, operates a lab in Arizona and publishes books and a technical Quartely journal. He gives lectures on many creation topics including astronomy, intelligent design, the Genesis Flood, and dinosaurs. Don strongly believes that the details in nature definitively point to the Creator and His love for mankind. Don also conducts workshops for children with hands-on Bible-science activities. He also writes and speaks for the organization Answers in Genesis.

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