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Sunday 24 March 2013

Why Suicide Seems Only Option

OK , This is an anon email post to me, which i was asked to share ........................................... Editors Note : " Please, NO Insults , Disregards for the person, ETC, ... if nothing helpful , PLEASE SAY NOTHING ..........................                                                                                                            Brightside Bincheck , I'm not saying where i am or who i am , my life has changed from one bad thing to another recently , from a good marraige , house , living , to virtually nothing but more taxes , higher food prices and gas/electric/petrol............i worked all my life , earned , paid taxes etc , now in need =nothing , I'm Not eating , because i need electricity , gas , I bought a house when i was told to by my government , im depressed but cant get healthcare , i owe only $700 this month , which i dont have , but will be the same next month, I am only in my 30's , and life is ruined , I can not move abroad to work , but i could when i was an inexperienced 18 year old , Now , Im single , struggling so much to even care and have giving up all hope , All im asking any reader to do , is face your politicians , governments , its prob to late for me , but if you have kids , which i don't , its their future also ............. This taxing and ignoring Health and Welfare NEEDS TO STOP................... I wish i could work like i used to , and some American people will blame the EURO for this , but NO the Banks Lent to much and borrowed to much , And we the people are paying , I never borrowed but im losing all ,AND You  are paying ...............Forget wikileaks ,forget ANON, Forget All the Little Protests that happen WorldWide ....... this needs to be a collective Protest ..... this NEEDS To be a World Protest , ........ But sadly I Give Up , Its Prob Too Late for Me , DONT MAKE IT LATE FOR ALL , DO SOMETHING COLLECTIVELY . BEST WISHES .                                                                                                                                                                EDITORS NOTE : WEBSITES/NUMBERS :                                             http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/Pages/mental-health-helplines.aspx                                                                                                          http://www.beyondblue.org.au/index.aspx?                                                                                           https://ecouch.anu.edu.au/new_users/mhl_portal/info/depression/more_info/help_lines                             http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/depression/index.shtml                                                         http://www.depression.org.nz/waythrough/help+services                                                                          http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/Pages/Depression-help-groups.aspx                 http://www.cmha.ca/mental-health/understanding-mental-illness/depression/                                                                                                                                                                                       

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Magdalene Laundries Documentary "Dear Daughter" - TeleGracia TV intervie...

  The world is finding out about the abusive Catholic "Magdalene Laundries" institution where criminal nuns abused and tortured thousands of women in Ireland, exploited them for free labor and even stole their children from some of them, when in fact, the unwed mothers had turned to the nuns for "help", little did they know they would be incarcerated in these concentration camps and their child would be snatched from them and sold into adoption.Magdalene asylums were institutions from the 18th to the late-20th centuries ostensibly to house "fallen women", a term used to imply female sexual promiscuity. Asylums for such girls and women and others believed to be of poor moral character, such as prostitutes operated throughout Europe, Britain, Ireland, Canada and the United States for much of the 19th and well into the 20th century. The first such asylum in Ireland opened on Leeson Street in Dublin in 1765, founded by Lady Arabella Denny.

Does Watching TV Effect Your Sperm Count?

189 healthy men between the ages of 18 and 22, over a three-month period took part in a medical study published by the British Journal of Sports Medicine, to link environmental factors and semen quality.

Men who watch more than 20 hours of television a week risk halving their sperm count.  While regular, vigorous exercise was shown to boost sperm count, excessive television-watching can counteract its positive effects.

Other factors assessed included medical or reproductive health problems, diet, stress levels and smoking.

The study found that men who watch more than 20 hours of TV a week had a sperm count 44% lower than those who watched less.  The most physically active of the volunteers, doing more than 15 hours of exercise a week, had a 73% higher sperm count.

Don't get ya hopes guys, cos those men who did both i.e watch a lot of TV and did a lot of exercise also had a lower sperm count.

Between 1989 and 2005, the average sperm count has fallen by a third according to analysis of 26,000 men.  There has been a worldwide drop in sperm count levels and this has also been accompanied by a rise in testicular cancer - double in the past 30 years - and in other male sexual disorders such as undescended testes.

 A separate investigation last year challenged guidance from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, which suggests smoking and drinking can have an adverse effect on sperm stocks.

The study by researchers at the University of Sheffield and Manchester compared the lifestyles of 939 men with poor sperm quality with 1310 men with normal sperm quality. It found little evidence that a high BMI, excessive alcohol consumption or recreational drugs were contributing factors to sperm quality.

It also found that wearing boxer shorts rather than tighter underwear was linked to higher sperm levels.

Dr George Chavarro, from the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health, senior author of the recent study, said in general, very little was known about what influenced sperm count. There was even evidence that high levels of physical activity might have a detrimental effect on quality and quantity.

"I was sceptical of the results of the study on athletes because they are not representative of normal people," Dr Chavarro said.

"One of the few things we do know is that obesity lowers sperm count."

Friday 1 February 2013

Savile No One Noticed He Was A Paedophile For 40 Years?

 MrSPECTRUM7                           Savile one of the most noticeable people ever was not noticed as a paedophile for 40 years????   Sir James Wilson Vincent "Jimmy" Savile OBE KCSG (31 October 1926 – 29 October 2011) was an English DJ, television presenter, media personality and charity fundraiser. He hosted the BBC television show Jim'll Fix It, was the first and last presenter of the long-running BBC music chart show Top of the Pops, and raised an estimated £40 million for charities.After his death, hundreds of allegations of child sex abuse and rape became public, leading the police to believe that Savile may have been one of Britain's most prolific sex offenders.A joint report by the NSPCC and Metropolitan Police, Giving Victims a Voice, stated that 450 people had made complaints against Savile, with the period of alleged abuse stretching from 1955 to 2009, and the ages of the complainants at the time of the assaults ranging from 8 to 47. 

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Good Bye

You were this tall dominating figure in my life, someone who would always try to be fair.  You weren't perfect as we know but you were always you.  You were straight up with people and never dicked them around, you called a spade a spade, you liked who you liked and didn't bother with those you didn't.

You were never sick a day in your life, unless it was self inflicted and then u would still get up and take us out for a drive or picnic.

You were only 65 when you were diagnosed with Metastatic Malignant Melanoma in June of this year.  The hospital and surgeons were quick booking you in to get the 2 large brain tumors removed.  Unfortunately because they couldn't find the main source of the Melanoma, we new no matter how good things had gone there was always the chance they would come back.  I've never seen anything like it, when the surgeons mentioned it was cancer you kinda shut down.  Even though I was proud of you for the way you decided to fight it, I was never more proud to be your daughter.

I remember having to tell my kids, and holding them and watching while they all started to cry, I remember promising (because I didn't know what else to say) that you weren't going to die.  I remember coming into the hospital and seeing you two days after the surgery, and the way you looked defeated from it all.  You couldn't talk properly, or move your right hand, or remember basic things, the frustration you must of felt of being there was clear to everyone around.  However the nurse when she explained how you had fallen over the night after your surgery, never realised or told us just how bad that fall had been.  It was that fall that lead you to the second brain surgery, and it was that fall that caused four titanium plates to buckle and push against your brain. There was a great improvement after that second surgery which had you being discharged on the 9th of July.

One night we had you home dad, before your breathing started to sped up.  I listened to the 111 operator and I did everything she told me to do.  I got you sitting on the bed and helped you to slow your breathing down.  I wonder who it was you were looking at over my shoulder during that time.  I will never forget how blue your eyes went, when you passed away and I swear that I saw your soul leave your body.  Me and my 16 yr old boy we spent what seemed like hours doing CPR on you dad.  The tears streaming down both our faces as we cursed and asked you not to leave us.  But leave us you did.  At least you will never have to go through all the pain and suffering you would of had to other wise, all the chemo and radiation.  You went your own way, surrounded by people who love you, and for that I will always be thankful.

I'm sorry dad, I tried everything to keep you with us.  I will have to live with that guilt for the rest of my life.  I will live with the images of that night for the rest of my life.

 You will never be forgotten dad, and you will always be loved by those of us you left behind.  Whenever I hear Elvis singing 'I did it my way' I automatically will think of you because you did it your way.

Love always Kimmy.