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Wednesday, 9 November 2011


Yesterday on Brightside Bincheck we discussed the existence of extraterrestrials. Recently the White House said 'NO" when asked about their existence. Personally I didn't even bother to read the article as I'm not one to take the word of politicians  as truth, so all I can say to that is 'Yeah Whatever' (note the sarcastic tone). People have been seeing U.F.O's for years, not to mention Aliens and abductions. Are these proof that we are not alone in the universe? Well who knows, these are all very easy to make up, youtube clips and photo's can be faked.

14/04/1561 was the first sighing that i could find in Nuremberg Germany. Described as a battle in the sky lasting about 1 hour, which ended with a large crash with smoke outside the city (as depicted), and consequently not a simple atmospheric phenomenon ("sun dog" or parhelion). A News notice (an early form of newspaper) and engraving published in Nuremberg described the event, which is kept in the Wickiana collection, Zurich.

12/08/1883 Zacatecas Observatory Mexico. On August 12, 1883, the astronomer José Bonilla reported that he saw more than 300 dark, unidentified objects crossing the sun disk while observing sunspot activity at Zacatecas Observatory in Mexico. He was able to take several photographs, exposing wet plates at 1/100 second. It was subsequently determined that the objects were highflying geese.

24/10/1886, Maracaibo, Venezuela. In a letter printed in the December 18, 1886 issue of Scientific American, page 389, the US consul of Venezuela in Maracaibo reported a UFO sighting. A bright object, accompanied with a humming noise, appeared during thunderstorm over a hut near Maracaibo, causing its occupants to display symptoms similar to radiation poisoning. Nine days later the trees surrounding the hut withered and died.

17/04/1897, Aurora Texas, United States. There were reports of an alleged UFO crash and a burial of its alien pilot in the local cemetery.

The list goes on and on, but these early sightings have to make you wonder. It's not as if they could have been confused for airplanes or helicopters or weather balloons for that matter. Will we ever truely know if extraterrestrials exist i guess the answer is a big fat NO. I believe they exist, I believe that some of these U.F.O sightings are true, I believe that some people have been abducted by aliens, I believe. Yes i think that governments all around the world have proof that aliens have been here, that they exist. Will they ever tell us? NO they won't, I'm not sure if the population of earth could handle the truth to be honest. Yep some probably could others not so much. One thing I would be surprised about if they had been here is why didn't we in true human nature shoot first then ask questions?

The arguements for extraterrestrial existence, for and against ,will go on for years to come, and we will never get any closer to finding the truth. Everybody will have their own opinion on this topic as all other topics that we discuss on Brightside Bincheck, this is one that I find interesting when listening to others. I for one am not arrogant enough to think that we are the only life forms in this universe.


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