Friday, 30 December 2011


Well it's the 30th of December 2011, and a time when I start to look back on the year. Will I look back on 2011 and remember happy times or sad? Honestly a bit of both, but the sad out-weighs  the happy.

This time of year can be really hard for some of us, and sometimes I am one of them. This year has been an extemely hard one for me and most of the people of Christchurch. I have seen my city and people crushed through the devestation of the earthquakes. But I am one of the lucky ones and will wake up on New Year's day still in my house and with my kids beside me. I will put on my positive, brave face and take down the Christmas decorations and start preparing for the expense of the kids starting a new year at school.

I will have "give up smoking" as my resolution, when I know damn well that, that aint gonna happen. Another year older and I don't think I'm any the wiser. Another year that didn't go the way i hoped or expected.

After the earthquakes we had (while on air), on Friday the 23rd of December 2011, the near year can't come quick enough. I was asked on air if I felt safe? the answer is "No I don't. Will I feel safer in the New Year? No I wont. Honestly I'm not sure I will ever feel safe again.

This New Year's eve I will stay at home with the kids, watch trashy TV and have a single galss of wine to see in the New Year. (if i stay awake that long) I will be thankful that me and mine are safe and whole, I will ask the universe to bring happiness and good fortune to those that I love. And I will hope that I have the courage and strength to face whatever the New Year throws at me this time.

This was meant to be a true meaning of New Year, but like so many it has a different meaning for all of us. All I can hope is that 2011 will bless everyone of our listeners, and followers with happiness and love. There isn't enough happiness or love in this world anymore, and they are the two most important things we have. Please have a safe holiday, and we here at Brightside Bincheck look forward to hearing from you all in 2012. Thankyou so much for your constant support since we have gotten ourselves up and running it means alot to us.

Have a safe and happy New Year :):)

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