First for those of you who don't know about these children let me fill you in on the basics. Indigo children is a term used to describe children who are believed to possess special, unusual and sometimes supernatural traits or abilities. The term is pseudoscientific. The idea is based on new age concepts developed in the 1970's by Nancy Ann Tappe and further developed by Jan Tober and Lee Carroll. The concept of indigo children gained popular interest with the publication of a series of books in the late 1990's and the release of several films in the following decade. A variety of books, conferences and related materials have been created surrounding belief in the idea of indigo children and their nature and abilities. The interpretations of these beliefs range from being the next stage in human evolution, in some cases possessing paranormal abilites such as telepathy, to the belief that they are more empathic and creative than their peers.
Although no scientific studies give credibility to the existence of indigo children or their traits, the phenomenon appeals to some parents whose children have been diagnosed with learning disabilities and to parents seeking to believe that their children are special. Skeptics view this as a way for parents to avoid proper (and generally pharmaceutical) pediatric treatment or a psychiatric diagnosis. The list of traits used to describe the children has also been criticized for being vague enough to be applied to almost anyone, a form of the forer effect. The phenomenon has been criticized as a means of making money from credulous parents through the sales of related products and services.
There have been many books, articles and even movies made about the Indigo children, and from reading alot of these articles and books many years ago I was always under the impression that the Indigo children were a spiritual higher being sent to the earth plane to lead us out of the shit and into a newer, better future.
However I either didn't read right or I didn't totally understand. Most of these Indigo Children have been diagnosed with ADHD, ADD or learning disabilities. There are even online tests that you can do, to see if your child is an Indigo Child. I took 3 of these tests, and the characteristics could of applied to 2 of my 3 children. The oldest and youngest. However those 2 children don't have ADHD, or ADD. They just don't like being told what to do, and think that they can do what they want when they want. Is the future the Indigo children are going to bring us? A future where we don't have to take responsibility for our actions, and we don't have to listen to authority.
The alleged characteristics include:
-the belief that they are empathetic, curious, strong-willed, independent, and often perceived by friends and family as being strange;
-possess a clear sense of self-definition and purpose;
-exhibit a strong innate sub-conscious spirituality from early childhood (which, however, does not necessarily imply a direct interest in spiritual or religious areas);
-a strong feeling of entitlement, or "deserving to be here".
Other alleged traits include:
-a high intelligence quotient, an inherent intuitive ability; and
-resistance to rigid, control-based paradigms of authority.
-According to Tober and Carroll, indigo children may function poorly in conventional schools due to their rejection of rigid authority, being smarter (or more spiritually mature) than their teachers, and a lack of response to guilt-, fear- or manipulation-based discipline.
Surely if these children were meant to be more empathic than the rest of us, they would understand the feelings their parents have when they act against authority and start to listen and behave themselves more.
I'm sorry but the more I read on these Indigo Children,the more I think it is a load of cods wallop to put it politley. All 3 of my children are special, they don't need to have ADHD or anything else to be special. They are special because they are mine. They do my head in, and know what buttons to push to get me going, but they are all individuals with their own characteristics and that is what makes them special. I don't have the luxury to look at people through rose tinted glasses, so I most certainly know my children aren't saints they aren't angels, but they are mine.
I honestly thought if any of my children were to be classed as an Indigo child it would of been the middle one. He is quiet, does as he is told, and is extremely sensistive to other people and their feelings. There have been alot of criticism to these so called Indigo Children.
According to reasearch psychologist Russell Barkley, the New Age movement has yet to produce empirical evidence of the existence of Indigo Children, as the 17 traits most commonly attributed to them were akin to the Forer Effect (i.e., so vague they could describe nearly anyone). Many critics see the concep of Indigo Children as made up of extemely general traits, a sham diagnosis that is an alternative to a medical diagnosis, with a complete lack of science or studies to support it. The lack of scientific foundation is acknowledged by some believers, including Doreen Virtue, author of The Care and Feeding of Indigos, and James Twyman, who produced two films on Indigo Children and who offers materials and courses related to the phenomenon.
Mental health experts are concerned that labeling a disruptive child an "Indigo" may delay proper diagnosis and treatment that could help the child. Others have stated that many of the traits of Indigo children could be more prosaically interpreted as simple unruliness and alertness.
Nick Colangelo, a University of Iowa professor specializing in the education of gifted children, stated that the first Indigo book should not of been published, and that "the Indiog Children movement is not about children, and it is not about the colour indigo. It is about adults who style themselves as experts and who are making money on books, presentations and videos."
O.k so we have alot of criticism on this whole subject. I do believe that their are children being born into this world at this time, with the ability to carry the human race through, and get rid of all the bullshit that is going on. These children to me, would be sensitive to every living thing, and have the ability to create a kind of calming effect. I'm sorry but if you have a disruptive child then I don't believe they are Indigo Children. I know as a parent to think that you aren't raising your kids properly, and to hear criticism on how you do raise them. But thinking that they Indigo Children is just a waste of time people. I don't know if I would trust the future of this planet and hummanity, in the hands of children who can't understand the word NO.
Every child born onto this planet is special, please don't make the mistake by assuming they are the saviours. It doesn't matter if your child has a learning disability or ADD, ADHD they are still yours and still 100% special. And they will be on this planet for a reason, we all are.
I would like you to consider that what Indigo originally meant, a deeply and spiritually connected person, is nothing new, but rather a recognition by western society of a way of being that has been known and accepted by other cultures for tens of thousands of years. And western society struggles with it as you have documented here.
ReplyDeleteIntuitive people are not going to save the world. They never have and probably never will as that is an individual choice, which apparently nothing can trump.
Those of us who are intuitive probably will never convince those of us who are not. It is something that dwells in the world of experience and not in the world of words.
I deeply appreciate your blog, though... It is fair with the information you have and that is a rare thing.
I totally agree with you Susan. And I wrote this blog from the view that once again the people have taken something beautiful and turned it around and commercialised it. I also feel strongly that every person is here, on this planet for a reason, no matter who we are.
ReplyDeleteI have been called an indigo child three times from gypsis and I never looked into it untill recently the person who told me died (she died when she said she was going to die), I have heard of them. It's starting to make sense, I always knew we are being lied to and always been into astronomy, Evreything they say about indigo children I relate to. I get weird psychic things happen all the time, I can't tell you what happens tomorrow but it comes to me a split second or a few seconds before it is there in my surrounding. They also say indigo children get in contact with spirits or paranormal when there young, well I did and still do. I explain - for a year I had the old hag/lady/witch visiting me at night when I was 6years young,also that age I was struck by lightning (the great storm of 1989 in uk, I was born in 83), and same time me and my sister seen a figure in the mirror staring back at us, to me It looked like a grey strange looking rasta dread man with strange glasses on (I love reggae 😅✌️🤘). To me the old hag was a messenger, it's fucking dread though (dread😅✌️), I will explain this - 3 and a half ago I was homeless and staying at a friend's and another man was staying there who I never met, anyway after about a week I said to my mate there something fucking creepy about him andThat night I went to the spare room to chill. I was half led down but sitting up a little and my eyes was fixed on this spot on wall and thinking what's happening (I felt I was about to go somewhere), then snap like a click my neck dropped and I was in a dark room, I couldn't see the walls (black) but a light on ceiling shining over this child lying on the purple floor motionless and I felt the same dreadful presents in the room, similar as the hag, so I got down on knees to pick the child up but I couldn't lift the child, next sec this force is pushing me down and down on this child so I am chest to chest smothering this child(like I'm the old hag😅) and I could not get up, pick up to HELP the child, I was looking through my eyes (I think most people see them self's in dreams, I do also) then snap back in my mates room yelling. Now 2- 3 days later this man was wanted by police for being a disgusting, dreadful paedophile (like young, young). So it was like a message/premonition/astral projected. They say old hag syndrome is just sleep paralysis and they say the same thing with alien abductions BOLLOCKS! It's just what the main stream scientists say (sleep paralysis is real though but not evreything). I have and still do get many, many, strange things happen to me, one more quick eg - I have gone into a close state of mind where I'm rising my inner self but can't quite get completely risen (your conscience). It's like your conscience can almost change reality. Evreything what happened was in same little town. If I could go back in history where would you go, I would go to the time when the Egyptian pharaoh akhenaten and wife nefertiti was there and why worship the sun/star/one/disk/his race or what and know why people tried to erase him and how they tried to shape there own religion. I'm not even religious but you must believe in something and that is your self and get enlightened (hence people admit natural light) we all have a conscience yyyaawwn. please Let me know what you think🌠🌟💛✌️🤘👻🧟♀️😇😈👽oh yeah if the old hag is evil maybe it got created from how women have been treated through out history like witch/burnt/raped/slaves/children taken away/children raped you know what I mean (conscience) just a theory.also another quick one as i child i kept on having these dreams (hard to explain) that what is atommly (attomly not even a word😅, atom) small is universally big and what is universally big is attomly small, that reminds me of the big bang or a black hole.