Tuesday, 10 April 2012

The Biggest Hole In The World

The Chuquicamata open pit copper mine in Chile. This is mine with a total production of the highest in the world – although this is not the largest bronze mine. The mine is within 850 meters.                                                      lubang besar                                                Udachnaya pipes are diamond mines in Russia. Mine owner plans to suspend its operations in 2010 – to carry out underground mining. The mine was discovered in 1955 and it reached 600 meters.                      lubang besar                                                 Diavik mine is a mine in the Northwest of Canada. The mine opened in 2003, produces 8 million carats or about 1,600 kg (3500 lb) diamonds each year.                                                                                       lubang besar                                                   Mirny diamond mine has a depth of 525 m and a diameter of 1200 m. This is one of the first and largest diamond mine in the USSR (Soviet Union). Now been abandoned. While still in operation, it took two hours for trucks crossing from top to bottom mines.                                                                                          lubang besar                                              Monticello Dam, California   ,Monticello Reservoir is a reservoir in Napa County, California, Best known in America because the valves circular with an average of 48,400 cubic feet per second.         lubang besar                                                MORE AT http://yochascience.com/the-biggest-hole-in-the-world/47/

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing what people do for a bunch of rocks isn't it? Frankly I think they should be required to fill in those holes when they are done. But that is just me I guess.
