Monday, 16 April 2012

One Brave Lady

On the 11th of July 1940, a child was born into this world, in a town called Dunedin in New Zealand. Her mother named her Avis Maureen Hunter. Her mother and father weren't married. Her father was away fighting in World War Two, and for reasons unknown her mother felt incapabile of looking after this little girl. Avis became sick and was taken to Dunedin Public Hospital. That was the last time she saw her mother and family until fifty six years later.

3 months old and Avis was placed into her first foster family, her name was changed. At the age of four or five, she was moved to a hospital in Nelson to live in. After 2 yrs in the hospital in Nelson, she was moved to Templeton Hospital in Christchurch. The staff there used to tie her to bed. She was alone and had to look after herself. "I Don't know if I cried much. Crying helps some people. I'd run away and cry by myself sometimes. It might have upset people if I'd cried in front of them - they might have hit me"

This young woman was moved from foster home to hospital. Templeton Hospital, Sunnyside Hospital, Cherry Farm Hospital were all for people with disablities. In foster homes Avis was never made to feel as part of the family, she was used in one home for cheap labour.

Back in the 50's Dunedin Botanical Gardens got themselves some monkeys. Not exactly the climate for monkeys. At one foster home which was just around the corner from the Dunedin Botanical Gardens, Avis decided to sneak out, and let the monkeys loose. She felt sorry for them being locked up like she had been. "I let the monkeys out" is a book written by Avis Hunter for children.

1992 Avis was moved from the hospital system and into the community. After reading her book tittled My Life, she seemed to thrive in this enviroment. She has friends and would even enjoy her card days. In 1996 a friend told her that they had found her real family and they really wanted to meet her. This made things even better for Avis who enjoyed when they all came round to see her.

I had the pleasure of meeting this brave lady (whose story has made me weep like a little baby) about 6 years ago. This woman was placed in foster homes or psychiatric institutions for more than 50 years. She was physically restrained, locked away and moved so many times all without her consent or control. Through the sadness of this life story, you will also see the sun and feel that warm fuzzy feeling she got when she finally managed to locate her family. Her life story has not only made a compelling read, but also became the subject of a play called Avis.

This woman was one of the bravest I have ever meet. The day I meet her I was maid of honour at my sisters wedding, and we had invited this amazing woman because she was our mothers half sister. Her father was my grandfather.

Avis Hunter born 11/7/1940 died 17/3/2012

reference from My Life by Avis Hunter

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